

This packages contains scripts that assist in situations prior to some of the steps along the road to a deployment. Each of the scripts and the situations for their use will be described in the section below.

User Guide


Five of the scripts below require authentication information provided by a file. Please make sure those authentication files are read-only user (600) and in a read-only directory (700) if needed. The Jira auth file must consist of two lines: first is your email and the second is a Jira API token.

Preparing for a Cycle Upgrade

When the schedule for the cycle upgrade has been set, a ticket must be created on the Summit Jira to inform the summit folks an upgrade is coming. The create_summit_upgrade_ticket script can assist in the creation of that ticket. An example usage of the script is shown here:

create_summit_upgrade_ticket 31 2023-06-20

This script leverages the .auth/jira in your home directory. There is an optional argument to change the assignee of the ticket. The assignee should make sure to attend both the Summit Activities Planning meeting and the Weekly Summit Coordination meeting. Use the --help flag on the script for more information.

Preparing for a XML Release

When wrapping up the work for a XML release, which usually kicks off a new cycle build, you need to check if all of the work that is merged into the ts_xml repository has a corresponding Jira ticket as specified by the Reporting Work for XML Release. The find_merges_without_release_tickets script handles this type of check and an example usage for the script is shown here:

find_merges_without_release_tickets ~/git 9.0 v9.0.0

The first argument is the path to the local clone of the ts_xml repository and this will vary depending on where your clone lives. The second argument is the numeric portion of the Releases label used in the CAP Jira project for the given XML release. The third argument is the tag on the ts_xml repository that represents the previous XML release. The output of the script will highlight tickets that have been merged on the repository that do not have tickets in the Jira release.

The Jira tickets associated with the release also need to be checked to ensure that they are closed or marked appropriately before considering the XML work for the release wrapped up and ready for building the base artifacts. The release_tickets script handles this type of check and an example usage is shown here:

release_tickets 9.0

The argument is the numeric portion of the Releases label used in the CAP Jira project for the given XML release.

Both scripts require authentication to the project Jira site. That is provided by a file (.auth/jira) in your home directory. An alternately named and located file can be used. Use the --help flag on those scripts for more information.

Preparing for a Cycle Build

When readying for a cycle build, which generates the container images, the software versions contained within the ts_cycle_build repository need to be checked against the latest tags in the associated repositories. The check_software_releases script helps with this check. It requires that the ts_cycle_build and the ts_recipes are cloned to the same directory on your machine. ts_cycle_build should be made up-to-date on the master branch in order to ensure that all previous cycle revisions have been accounted for. The same goes for the ts_recipes clone. The script is run as follows:

check_software_releases <path to repo clones>

The script reads the cycle/cycle.env file from the ts_cycle_build repository, queries organization GitHub repositories for the latest tag and compares the software versions to see if there are any differences. If there are any differences, they are reported and look something like:

ts_ddsconfig: SoftwareVersions(current='0.6.2', latest='0.7.0')
ts_sal: SoftwareVersions(current='5.1.1', latest='5.2.0')
ts_idl: SoftwareVersions(current='3.1.3', latest='3.2.0')
ts_salobj: SoftwareVersions(current='6.4.1', latest='6.5.2')

In order to make less calls against the GitHub API, all organization repositories are queried. This makes the script run for on the order of 15 to 20 seconds before completing. The script also requires an access token for API authentication. The token string is provided in a file (.gh_token) in your home directory containing one line for the token string. The authentication token is maintained by the Telescope and Site build and deployment team, so consult that group if the token is necessary for you to use. An alternately named and located file can be used. Use the --help flag on those scripts for more information.

Preparing Configuration

When getting ready to prepare the configuration for the first site in the deployment process, the configuration tickets for all the sites can be generated at the same time. Those tickets can then be linked to the appropriate cycle build Confluence page. The create_configuration_tickets script can help with this task. This script leverages the .auth/jira in your home directory. The script requires the cycle build number. See the --help flag on the script for more detailed information about the options. An example usage of the script is shown below:

create_configuration_tickets 31

The output from the script will print the issue keys for each site for inclusion into the cycle build Confluence page.

Preparing for Deployment to a Site

When preparing for deploying a cycle build to a site (summit or a test stand), the best practice is to place an announcement on the appropriate Slack channel the day before the deployment. The release_announcement script can help with this task. It has flags to support multiple sites, but only one of those flags can be specified for a given run of the script. The date and time of the deployment as well as the cycle build number needs to be provided to the script. The time of the deployment is specified in the local time of the site as the script does no time zone conversion. If integration testing is taking place after the deployment at one of the test stands, the ending time of the testing needs to be specified to the script. See the --help flag on the script for more detailed information about the options. An example usage of the script is shown below:

release_announcement -s 2021-06-29 17:00 21

The above incantation is for a summit deployment.


The script only outputs the string for the announcement. It is up to the user to post that output into the appropriate Slack channel before the deployment.

The script also provides text for a reminder announcement one hour prior to the deployment time. That text should be scheduled via the Timy Slack app interface in the time zone appropriate for the site.

Developer Guide

Package Setup

Since this package contains scripts that leverage services that would require extensive mocking in order to provide unit tests, there are none provided at this time. Therefore the usual build and test cycle is different for this package. If you wish to fix, update or add new scripts to this package, the recommended method for development is to get the T&S development Docker container. Instructions for this can be found here. Follow the section on Developing on your own local folder on Docker. Since the code is not shipped with the development container, a clone of the code is necessary.

git clone

Change or create the appropriate branch in the clone.

To setup the package, do the following.

docker run -it --name {name for container} -v {repository_location}:/home/saluser/develop lsstts/develop-env:{tag}
cd ~/develop/vanward
pip install .

Building the Documentation

With the above setup completed, building the package documentation is done by:

cd ~/develop/vanward
package-docs build

Development Workflow

Since this repository is dedicated to deployment, it follows a different development workflow than normal Telescope and Site packages. The main difference is that there is no develop branch in the workflow. Ticket branches are created from the main branch (currently called main) and then pull requested and merged back into the main branch for tagging and release. The repository is hooked to Telescope and Site Jenkins jobs for documentation and the conda package, so pay attention to how those jobs are working. Once a tag is created, a tagged conda build should be run to provide folks with the new version.


The content in this section is autogenerated from docstrings.

lsst.ts.vanward Package

Version History

The version history of vanward is found at the following link.